MAC help pages
Log into the guest account and make the changes you wish to become permanent. Make sure not to log out of Guest account until the complete process has been done or your changes will be lost.
Log into the admin account and open terminal run the following command
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES |
Restart finder by holding option key and right click the finder icon -Relaunch-
Open finder and navigate to /Users/Guest
in this folder you will find a folder named Library we need to change the permissions on this folder.
right click and select Get Info use the unlock icon to unlock the folder.
click the + icon to add your account as a read and write user.
Open another finder window and navigate to /System/Library/User Template
unlock this folder with right click and select Get Info using the unlock icon.
after unlocking the folder navigate in and Duplicate the folder English.lproj
open the original and delete the library folder.
drag and drop the Library folder from /User/Guest to /System/Library/User Template/English.lproj
Open disk utility and run repair disk permissions
Open terminal and run the following command
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO |
Restart the computer and check the changes have taken place