Team 12 - Electronics and Software


To drive the mechanisms, we used a DC 12V 10 RPM motor. The switch we used for the useless box aspect of our design was a 6A 125V AC 3-pin 2-position ON/ON SPDT mini toggle switch. For control, we used an Elegoo Uno R3 board with a L298N motor driver. Lastly, to power everything we used a 12V DC power supply with a DC to DC step down converter to provide a 9V output to our system. A diagram detailing the wiring as well as a picture of the electronics used are shown below. 


We used Fusion360 to work collaboratively to make all of our custom components and assemblies, the Arduino IDE to write code and upload it to our control board, and Matlab to perform our kinematic analysis. The code used to control our system is shown below.