Team 11 - Introduction and Background

We are trying to solve the issue of manual, repetitive, and monotonous envelope stamping done by businesses. Businesses have to label their addresses on letters sent out to shareholders very often, and as a result, they often have dozens of envelopes to prepare at any given time. This is a critical issue to solve because small businesses may not be able to hire more people in their company. Large businesses may be able to hire more people but may not want to waste talent on basic tasks like stamping envelopes. Additionally, this job takes some time to do and can be very straining for a person. If this stamping could be automated, it would drastically save time compared to a person manually stamping. It would also save labor costs by forgoing the need for a trained worker to manually stamp envelopes on the clock

We spent some time looking up basic ideas and examples of stamp mechanisms and pointed out how they are well structured and what can be improved. We came across this mechanism shown below to base our design off. We noticed that in this design, there was not a lot of force to allow proper inking to the stamp, so we modified the lengths and positions of some of the links to allow a push on the ink pad and the actual stamp position itself.