6. ARFF Final Prototype

The final prototype showcases an emphasis on simplicity and aesthetic.  It is robust mechanically and electrically, and is representative of what we had envisioned to be the final product of one semester's work.  

Key features:  

  • Mechanical
    • Wooden outer chamber 
    • Top Fastened to Linkages fitted with Acryllic Window
    • Interior Aluminum Sheet Metal Bowl whose motion is limited by custom cut base material
    • Two configurations of the linkage assemblies
    • Custom printed stepper motor mounts
    • Wiring routed through holes at the base to electronics mounted on the exterior chamber
  • Electrical
    • Arduino Mega
    • 2 Stepper Motors, each to control one linkage assembly
    • RFID Sensor - Pet Identification and Opening Control
    • Ultrasonic Sensor - Safety to ensure lid closes once pet is outside of mechanism range

The Full BOM is provided in the Appendix page.  

SolidWorks CAD Model:  

Fully Assembled Prototype:  
