Team 26 - Introduction and Background

The goal of this project was to aid researchers at The University of Texas at Austin in the synthesis of a robotic mechanism that can be attached to a drone to allow it to hang from tree branches or other overhanging objects in the environment for an extended period. 

In order to satisfy this problem statement, a few requirements must be met. The mechanism was designed with the intent to be deployed and remain hanging for long periods of time; therefore, the mechanism should be either entirely passive or require sufficiently low power when actuated such that the drone’s ability to remain perched in the same spot is maximized. The gripper is also intended to function as a landing gear for the drone, and should be able to grasp branches of varying sizes. Finally, the gripper should maintain a target grasp force using closed loop control, ensuring that it can remain perched in the presence of wind and other disturbances.

Shown below is our prototype grasping and hanging under a tree branch (left), perching on a railing (center), and in its landing-gear configuration (right) with an image of a drone superimposed to convey the design intent.