
The base of the system is composed of two circular plates, which are joined by 5 shafts with lengths of approximately 1ft. Both plates have the same type of "toothed" hub as the free gears in the arm shaft in order to allow the engaging or disengaging of base rotation in either direction via the clutch system. The pegs for fitting the joint shafts had to be filleted as they were found to be a point of failure after our initial round of 3D printing and attempt at assembly. The fillets added a significant amount of strength and rigidity to the system. There is also a hole and slot in the top and bottom plates respectively for the fitting of the arm shaft. We also put slots in the bottom plate to fit the support that would allow a slightly better weight distribution for the system on the motor shaft. This open design allowed us to have free access to all the parts in case any fixes had to be made on the fly.