5. Software and Electronics



We used SolidWorks as our main CAD software. This software was used to create every link and part that went into creating and assembling every iteration of the project.  We didn't have any trouble using this software since we have extensive experience using it as mechanical engineers. 

Arduino IDE

This was the software used to upload the code that our Arduino used to control the electronics in the project.  We didn't have a complicated electrical setup thus our code was simple.  We also found the code used to control the motor controller.  


We use this programming software to code our four-bar analysis and plot the forces created on the slider block as a function of theta2.  With this program we are able to dictate the position, velocity, and acceleration of every point in the four-bar mechanism. 


Arduino Uno

This was the micro controller used in controlling our DC motor. 

Motor Driver

We used an L298N motor controller to control out dc motor.  This allows us to change the direction and magnitude of the DC motor.


A potentiometer was used to manually control the DC motor.  We didn't want to have the Arduino running on a loop because ultimately this is going to have a gripper attached to it, thus it needs to be activated whenever the gripper is going to hold a water bottle. the potentiometer just gives us this type of control over the mechanism.

DC motor

The DC motor used was a Greartisan DC 12V 120 RPM Gear Motor.  By looking at the specs sheet, we were able to obtain its angular velocity (RPM → rads/s) and its rated torque (6.37 N*m).  We went with a DC motor because we needed something that is able to go 360 degrees since the release mechanism relies on the motor going the opposite direction for a bit in order to release the loaded spring.

Power Supply

Simple 12V power supply used to power the Arduino and the rest of the electronic components.