Taking Equipment Off Campus
PAGE UNDER REVIEW - if questions, ask RTF-accounting@austin.utexas.edu.
The State of Texas financially penalizes RTF for excess missing equipment. Therefore, the following applies to all UT equipment including items bought specifically for you.
Some equipment may be designated as unable to leave campus.
All RTF-owned equipment taken off campus must be checked out and insured. Lauren Castro does this for Production Equipment Check-Out. AJ Bunyard does this for all other equipment.
If you are taking equipment outside the continental U.S., the department needs as much lead time as possible to meet the additional requirements involved in the terms of our insurance. In some cases, equipment insurance is denied. As a general rule, The University does not allow taking any University equipment to a country for which there is a Travel Warning issued by the U.S. Department of State. You can check the status of a specific country at the following link:
You must reimburse the department for insuring the equipment.
If needed, you are responsible for a $2,500 deductible on equipment other than laptops. You are responsible for a $1,500 deductible on laptops.
Should equipment be stolen, you must file a Police Report. Before RTF can submit a claim, you must provide a Police Report. You must notify Gloria Holder on the first workday following the theft.
If you have equipment off campus or intend to take equipment off campus, either visit AJ (CMA 6.118) or e-mail. She will provide a form for your completion. The completed form and your insurance payment must be submitted before the equipment is taken off campus.
At the conclusion of your involvement with the University of Texas, all equipment must be returned.