Individual Instruction Approval via DocuSign

Read the instructions carefully before initiating the submission process. Failure to do so may result in unnecessary frustration. 

Before Submitting the Form via DocuSign (optional)

Consult with the faculty member that you would like to serve as the instructor for your individual instruction course to be sure they are in agreement with you regarding which course number you need, as well as why you need that particular course.  You should also alert them to expect an email from

Consult with your graduate coordinator if you have any further questions about which individual instruction course number is appropriate and/or what, if any, requirement it might fulfill for your program of work. 

DocuSign Submission

Click the link below to begin the DocuSign submission process.

NOTE: Do not begin the process until you have all the information noted above. Stopping before reaching the end will create abandoned documents in the DocuSign system. Abandoned forms cannot be accessed again and you will have to start over.

Fill out the DocuSign PowerForm

The DocuSign PowerForm will require you to have the following information:  

  • Your name and email
  • Name and email address of the faculty member you would like to serve as the instructor of record for the course
  • Course number needed (a pull down menu including all possible EDC and STM individual instruction course numbers is included in the power form)
  • Brief (2-3 sentence) explanation of why you are requesting the course, including information regarding the proposed program of study.

DocuSign Individual Instruction Approval PowerForm Link:


Assuming the instructor approves your request (please note, it is their prerogative not to do so), your completed request will be routed to the C&I grad coordinator who will lift the restriction so you can add the course. Please allow up to 24 hours after your request is approved for this final step to be completed.