Research Methodology Requirements
Masters (Both Thesis and non-Thesis option)
Two courses are required. EDC 380R Educational Research and Design is recommended as one of the two required courses. Additional recommended courses include STM 380. Other courses can be counted with permission of the Graduate Advisor.
Doctoral Sequence
STEP 1 (6 hours)
- EDC 385RÂ Introduction to Quantitative Research Design
Other course choices for this requirement must be approved by the Graduate Advisor
 - AND EDC 386R Introduction to Qualitative Research; other course choices for this requirement must be approved by the Graduate Advisor.
STEP 2 (6 Hours)
Two Advanced Research Courses—either Quantitative, Qualitative or Mixed-Methods. Other courses may meet this requirement with the consent of the Graduate Advisor.
Advanced Quantitative Research Choices
- EDC 387RÂ 1-Advanced Quantitative Analysis
- EDC 387RÂ 2-Statistical Inference
- EDC 387RÂ 3-Survey Research Methods
- EDC 387RÂ 4-Mixed Methods Design Based Research
- EDP 380PÂ 1-Measurement and Evaluation
- EDP 380P 4-Evaluation Models and Techniques
- EDP 382KÂ 2-Correlation and Regression Methods
- EDP 382KÂ 3-Factor Analysis
- EDP 382KÂ 4-Survey of Multivariate Methods
- EDP 382KÂ 6-Structural Equation Modeling
- EDP 384Â 4-Introduction to Survey Research
- EDP 384Â 16-Hierarchical Linear Modeling
Advanced Qualitative Research Choices
- EDC 388RÂ 1-Narrative and Oral Tradition
- EDC 388RÂ 2-Discourse Analysis
- EDC 388RÂ 3-Ethnographic and Qualitative Research methods
- EDC 388RÂ 4-Postmodern Analytical Methods
- EDC 388RÂ 5-Life History
- EDC 388RÂ 6-Naturalistic Inquiry
- EDC 388RÂ 7-Feminist Participator Action Research
- EDC 388RÂ 8-Qualitative Research: Mixed-methods Investigation
- EDC 388RÂ 9-Case Study
- EDA 381SÂ Advanced Qualitative Research
- EDP 382LÂ 5-Psycholinguistics
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