Confluence Cloud Migration Updates

Confluence Cloud Migration Updates

Custom Space User Management plugin *RESOLVED

The CSUM plugin currently is working and space administrators are able to add and remove users from groups within their space.

There is an issue with the CSUM plugin to manage groups within Confluence Cloud at this time. The plugin has been configured correctly but an error message that states “CSUM-Cloud requires a privileged user configured to perform restricted requests.”

We have engaged the vendor (The Plugin People) and are working with them to resolve this. It appears there may have been changes to the plugin on the vendor’s side while our migration was occurring this past weekend. They are investigating.


Issues on pages loading data or errors present

There have been reports from those using the University Wiki Service post-migration may run into an issue where some content fails to load correctly.

To resolve this, please clear your cookies and cache following these instructions.

Below are some examples of this.


image (5).png

Legacy Editor

Some pages which were created before the migration may be using the Legacy Editor to ensure macros which may not be supported work. It may take a bit longer (about 30 seconds) to load the pages when editing a page with the Legacy Editor.

You can find out more about the Legacy Editor and converting pages to the new editing experience here.

Currently there is no way to create new pages using the Legacy Editor. However, if you copy a page that used the Legacy Editor, can delete the content and act as though it is a new page, we are meeting with our vendor, Atlassian, to discuss this.

Broken Links

The University Wiki Service Team has created a redirect application which redirects users from links which use the previous domain wikis.utexas.edu to the new domain cloud.wikis.utexas.edu.

There are some limitations with this as only View Page, Tiny URL and Display links will be redirected. Furthermore, any pages which may have been moved before the migration by users may not be found. Links for attachments and labels will also not be redirected.

If you run into any issues finding you space, please log into cloud.wikis.utexas.edu and search for the space in the top right search bar. You can select advanced search and search for the exact space. You can also click on the “Spaces” tab near the middle top of the screen to search all spaces for the space you are looking for.

The following are examples of URLs which will be redirected:

  • View Page Links - https://wikis.utexas.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=*********

  • Tiny URL links - https://wikis.utexas.edu/x/******

  • Display Links - https://wikis.utexas.edu/display/spacekey/PAGENAME

If you have any questions about this please feel free to contact wikihelp@utexas.edu.

Eventually, if you are using bookmarks which link to wikis.utexas.edu, you will need to update those to the new page within cloud.wikis.utexas.edu. Any documentation referencing wikis.utexas.edu outside of the wikis should be updated with new links as well.

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