Byte Club
2024 Presentations
Multi-Omics data analysis - Dennis Wylie, CBRS
Multi-Dataset Analysis Tools- Dhivya Arasappan, CBRS
Spatial transcriptomics using visium and xenium- Nihal Salem, WCAR
Past Presentations
Tag-Seq- Jessica Podnar, GSAF Apr 2018
Using MultiQC to produce consolidated QC reports – Anna Battenhouse, CCBB, GSAF, Marcotte & Iyer labs, Oct. 2017
Using LINCS to identify novel drugs for alcohol dependance treatment - Laura B. Ferguson, Harris Lab
Near-optimal RNA-Seq quantification with kallisto - Anna Battenhouse, Iyer lab
Benchmarking of RNA-Seq tools - Raghav Shroff, Ellington lab
Reproducibility of SNP calling in multiple Sequencing runs from singler tumors- Dakota Derryberry, Wilke Lab. This contains unpublished data, so please contact Dakota ( to request access to her slides.
Songs of Assemblies and Expression: The Genome and Transcriptome of Alston’s Singing Mouse Scotinomys teguina - Da-Jiang Zheng, Phelps lab
Listening to what genes are saying: Statistical learning from gene expression data - Dennis Wylie, CSSB
MirUtils - Anna Battenhouse and Nathan Abell, Iyer lab
New NGS sequencers, data delivery & storage options, and price changes: GSAF Update. - Dr. Scott Hunicke-Smith, GSAF
Past Tutorials
FastQC tutorial by Anna Battenhouse
FastxToolkit tutorial by Dhivya Arasappan
Samtools tutorial (PDF) by Benni Goetz
assemble_trinity tutorial (PDF) by Benni Goetz
RNA-Seq Library Types (PDF) by Jessica Podnar
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