CBRS Mini Symposium
CBRS Mini Symposium
Presentation slides
Slides from the CBRS mini symposium held on May 10th are attached
- Bioinformatics Team Slides (pptx)
- Biomedical Research Computing Facility (BRCF) (pdf)
- Genomic Sequencing and Analysis Facility (GSAF) (pptx)
- Mouse Genetic Engineering Facility (MGEF)
- Macromolecular Crystallography Facility
Contact information and websites
Bioinformatics team
- Contact: bcg@utgsaf.org
- Website: http://ccbb.utexas.edu/consultants.html
Biomedical Research Computing Facility (BRCF)
- BRCF contact: abattenhouse@utexas.edu.
- Website: https://utexas.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RCTFusers/
Genomic Sequencing and Analysis Facility (GSAF)
- GSAF contact: gsaf@utgsaf.org
- Website: https://utexas.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GSAF/Home+Page
Mouse Genetic Engineering Facility (MGEF)
- MGEF contact: wshawlot@austin.utexas.edu
- Website: https://biomedsupport.utexas.edu/transgenics
Microscopy and Imaging Facility
- Microscopy contact: juliehayes@utexas.edu
- Website: https://sites.cns.utexas.edu/cbrs/microscopy
Macromolecular Crystallography Facility
- Crystallography contact: art.monzingo@mail.utexas.edu
- Website: https://biomedsupport.utexas.edu/crystallography
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