Requesting Network Access

The University of Texas offers several ways to connect to the internet and campus resources. Each connection type has specific requirements and limitations. The following is a guide illustrating what each offers.

ServiceLogin RequirementsOther RequirementsOffersLimitations
Local Area Network-Wired Connection - General NetworksEID credentials

Wall Port Activation Request

Identification of all information for inventory

Access to all campus resources.If you are placed on a general network port, you might have to login with with your EID
Local Area Network-Wired Connection - Virtual Routing Firewallnone

Wall Port Activation Request

Identification of all information for inventory

Local Area Network-Wired Connection - Publicnone

Wall Port Activation Request

Identification of all information for inventory

For networking assistance in a CNS building or using a device managed by CNS IT, use the "Network Connectivity" request type on our help form: