NDSR Run Guidance

NDSR Run Guidance

Installation - Client

  1. Copy NDSR 2022 Zip to C:\temp and extract the files.
  2. Run C:\temp\NDSR 2022\setup.exe as an Administrator.
  3. Choose Client NDSR as Setup Type, and click next through to finish.
  4. Map a network drive to \\DPRI-NDSR\License_4, and note the drive letter.
  5. Open C:\ProgramData\NCC\NDSR2022\Ndsr.ini as an administrator.
  6. Update the License line to link to the network drive letter from step 4.  Eg. License=N:\
  7. Open ODBC 32 bit console → System DSN → NDSR_2022 → Configure → Login.
  8. Validate these configuration settings:
    Authentication: Database
    User ID: ndstc
    Encode password: none
    Action: Connect to a running database on another computer
    Host: DPRI-NDSR.austin.utexas.edu
    Server name: ndsrDbserv
    Database name: ndsrdb2022
  9. Test the connection.  When it is successful, click OK.
  10. Confirm console will connect to NDSR 2022.

Backup All Projects to DPRI-NDSR

  1. Log into DPRI-NDSR
  2. Navigate to C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\NCC\NDSR 2022\Backup
  3. Right-click on the Backup-AllProjects-NDSR2022.bat and choose Run as administrator.
  4. Click Yes on the User Account Control dialog box.
  5. This will open a command-prompt window.
  6. Log off of DPRI-NDSR once command prompt window closes.

Backup All Projects to Your Client

  1. Open NDSR v2022 console.
  2. In the Toolbar: Project → Backup → All
  3. Select the folder in which you want the backup to reside and click OK.  By default, the path is C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\NCC\NDSR 2022\Backup
  4. You can monitor the progress in the dialog at the bottom of the NDSR v2022 client application - it will note Backup Complete when it is finished.
  5. You will find the backup in the directory you indicated in step #3 in a folder called Main Folder.  You can rename this is you like.

Backup an Individual Project

  1. Open NDSR v2022 console.
  2. Select the project you want to backup, in this case Tutorial 2021 → CODE
  3. In the Toolbar: Project → Backup → Selected
  4. Select the folder in which you want the backup to reside and click OK.  By default, the path is C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\NCC\NDSR 2022\Backup
  5. The backup will be found in a directory named Main Folder in the directory you selected in step #4.

Restore Project

  1. Log into DPRI-NDSR.
  2. Navigate to C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\NCC\NDSR 2022\Backup to confirm that the date to restore from has a backup.
  3. Open the NDSR 2022 Utility, Backup and Restore.
  4. Select the Restore NDSR files backed up in the path indicated below.
  5. Click Browse.
  6. Browse into the date to which you want to restore a project and click Open.
  7. Click Close.

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