Termination - Faculty

For additional information pertaining to all types of university employees (not just faculty), see COE: Separation and Retirement.


Tenure-Track Faculty

Termination of tenure-track faculty is usually the result of the promotion process for an Assistant Professor or Instructor who was not promoted, but appointed for a final terminal year. Faculty who will be appointed for a terminal year are notified during the promotion process. After the terminal year the faculty member will be removed from the budget and the funds released.

Non-Tenure Track Faculty

Non-tenure track faculty who will not be reappointed should be given written notice no later than 30 days prior to the end of their appointment, according to UT System's Rule 31002: Notice of Nonrenewal to Nontenured Faculty Members. See COE: Managing NTT Faculty in Workday, "Terminate" tab for more information.

Processing Terminations in Workday

APS prefers that Workday termination BPs be submitted no more than one month prior to the separation date.

After the faculty has been notified that they will not be reappointed, the Academic HR Partner should process the Termination in Workday. A copy of the written notification including effective end date of the appointment should be attached to the business process.

Prior to processing the termination, staff will also need to end any additional employment via an End Additional Job BP.

For faculty members with endowments, APS will end the endowment in VIP as part of their review of the termination BP. The endowment end in VIP will then push to Workday and end the associated endowment in Workday.

Follow the usual steps for employees separating from the university as outlined in HR: Separation Process. The separating faculty member may refer to the HR: Employee Separation Checklist.

If a faculty member is involved in Sponsored Research, the Terminate business process will prompt the Complete Termination Questionnaire for Faculty sub-process. The Termination Questionnaire will request the following details:

Please send suggested additions to this page and notifications about broken links to COE-FacultyAffairs@austin.utexas.edu.

Contributors to this page (Name, number of updates, most recent update):

Karla Steffen 1 (101 days ago)

Useful links