Weapons Policy
Are You Using Fake Weapons or simulated violence in your film shoot? Real weapons are strictly prohibited and even fake weapons require advance approval by either the Dean of Students or the RTF Department (depending on the filming location). The Dean of Students requires you submit their specific form - to simplify matters, we we use their form as well.
If weapons* are going to be used for film shoots on campus a Weapons Approval Form and photograph of weapon(s) being used must be submitted, at least Seven Working Days in advance, to:
Wanda Brune - Office of the Dean of Students - Campus Mail Code A5800 - SSB 4.104 - Form can be hand delivered, sent via Campus Mail, or faxed to 475-7942.
The Form needs to advise:
- What type of weapon(s).
- Name and phone number of the primary contact that handles the weapon(s).
- Names of all people that might handle the weapon(s).
- Safety precautions.
- What the film shoot is for -class project, student organization, or whatever.
- What the event is and/or description of event
- Purpose.
- Date, begin time, and end time.
- Location.
After approval, the Office of the Dean of Students will advise the University police. This will avoid police reacting to what they perceive as a violent crime in process!
The approval letter with Dean of Students' signature must be retrieved from the Dean of Students Office before the shoot and kept at the sight of the shoot.
Please contact the RTF Safety Supervisor, Drew Saplin or Keefe Boerner, <RTF-Safety@austin.utexas.edu>, if you have questions about this weapons policy.*
If weapons* are going to be used for film shoots off campus a Weapons Approval Form and photograph of weapon(s) being used must be submitted, at least Seven Working Days in advance, to:
RTF Production Safety Supervisor, <RTF-Safety@austin.utexas.edu>
After approval, Drew will advise student as to the other parties that student should notify prior to filming. This may include, but is not restricted to, local police and property owner(s).