Custodial Travel 360
Rebecca Rodriguez
Brace yourselves. Travel is coming.
Request Form 101
Flight of the Bumble Bee (Communication and Document Prep)
Step 1.
Communicate your intent to complete the travel documents for travelers by emailing a set of basic instructions for each step of the travel process
(New Traveler) Establish a date to speak with each traveler about their responsibilities (Travel Docs - Traveler Agreement_062717)
Step 2.
During discussion with traveler, explain that they must book lodging and ask if they need a Cash Advance. (Travel Docs - Travel Expenses_Cash Advance_170512)
Add travel dates and training event details on Training Request Form (TRF) (Travel Docs - Training Request Form - revised 7-2016). Create a group TRF for more 3+ travelers - (preferred document for SLT)
Save the created TRF to the Common>Travel>(current FY) folder - if Traveler name is not listed, create new folder OR create folder for an event containing 3+ travelers
Step 3.
- Compile individual cost estimates from Concur flight, Transportation expenses, Lodging, Meals, and other Expenses ~($50). Add each individual and together to add to the group TRF (if available)
- Be thorough. Include RT transportation to Airport from Home, Parking at Airport, and Baggage Fees (RT Transportation will be reimbursed, not included in Cash Advance)
- Submit to Senior Admin for review. Once Senior Admin clears the packet, submit cover TRF to Training Manager, Associate Director for approval
Mo' Money Mo' Pro'l'ms (Purchasing and Booking)
Step 1.
- TRF must be approved for the booking to take place
- Create VE5 - Request for Travel Authorization on *DEFINE. Refer to Financial Training Website for help. The VE5 must contain all dates included in travel, not just the dates of the conference or meeting
- Once RTA is approved, remind traveler that they must book lodging and that they must add you on Concur to book flight. (Travel Docs - Add Becky Rodriguez as Travel Assistant on Concur)
Step 2.
- If the traveler requires a Cash Advance, utilize the Cash Advance Request spreadsheet to determine estimated costs to include: Lodging, Meals, Transportation (RT mileage to Airport from Home - keep this for reimbursement), Other Expenses (Baggage Fees, Parking at Airport only) Travel Docs - Travel Expenses_Cash Advance_BFS_170512 - Save in their Travel folder for reconciliation
- Ensure that a spreadsheet contains the Travel Expenses filled in for BFS - this is primarily for the breakdown of meals.
- Once complete, submit to Senior Admin for review. After approved, submit to authorized signers - Associate Director and BFS director (Currently: Teresa Rodriguez - Senior Admin Associate for BFS Director)
- Scan the packet to include the Cash Advance Request spreadsheet and documents showing all estimated costs delineated in the spreadsheet and send to Cash Advance Desk - Submit physical copies by Campus Mail. Keep the scanned versions for your records! You will need these for the reconciliations
- OA - Cash Advance will call within 1-2 weeks. Notify Admin team that it is important for them to take note when check is ready for pick up
Step 3.
- Registration: Purchase online - ensure you have all the traveler information when registering. For example, some conference registrations require shirt size. Take note if the conference includes meals
- Flight: Purchase flight online on Concur - select flights that have the lowest layover times. Average cost should be between $300-400, depending on destination. Choose the department payment option. RTA number is needed before flight is booked. Include your email for confirmation - save in Travel folder
- Lodging: If traveler wants to be reimbursed for lodging, send email reminder to book hotel. If the traveler is waiting on a Cash Advance check, remind the traveler to book when they have secured the cash advance money. Save confirmation in Travel folder. Remind traveler to ask for a printed copy of their hotel charges
- Transportation: Remind the travelers to keep their taxi, public transport, ride sharing receipts in a safe place (provide envelopes, if needed) They will need to return these for reconciliation. Include in packet scan in Travel folder
- Meals: No receipts are needed. Per diem is calcuated and given as allowance when reimbursement takes place. Travelers will need to request a special allowance if they are planning to spend more on meals during travel. (Manager approval)
Mama, I'm Coming Home (Reconciliation)
Step 1.
- Send email to all travelers asking them to submit their travel receipts by mail
- Physical copies must be scanned into their Travel folder to be included in their reconciliation
- Open the traveler's existing or new travel expense spreadsheet and use the first page (Travel Expenses) to include all of the expenses that they incurred during travel. (Travel Docs - Travel Expenses_Cash Advance_BFS_170512)
- If an employee has an existing spreadsheet, be sure to review if they will need to be reimbursed or if they will need to return money to Cash Advance. They must make an appointment if they are to return unused funds (Travel Docs - Returning Unused Funds - Cash Advance.Shared Services Office 05.04.17). Send instructions on how to make an appointment, attach the instructions to email if needed.
Step 2.
- If reimbursing, create VP5 - Travel Voucher on *DEFINE. Refer to Financial Training Website for help. The VP5 must contain RTA information.
- Use the information you entered on the spreadsheet to determine amounts to be reimbursed. Use appropriate coding for transportation. Use "O" (out-of-town) code even when traveling in Austin. (Even Accounting doesn't like it!)
- All tips need to be coded as Miscellaneous Expenses.
- If reimbursing a Cash Advance traveler, submit the signed Cash Advance Request and all supporting documentation including reconciliation spreadsheet with traveler approval to Cash Advance Desk. They will need to reimburse the traveler any additional expenses that were not covered by the Cash Advance.
Total Eclipse of the Heart (Cancellation Procedure)
In Progress..
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Quick Links
(doge) (Wow) UT Travel Website
(doge) (Very) Handbook of Operating Procedures - Travel Section
The group TRF must be submitted to Training Manager and Associate Director. The individual TRF's must be reviewed by Senior Admin for expense accuracy and for reconciliation.
Scan individual packets to the traveler's folder for reference. Physical documents must be stored in a binder or folder.
Mail Code must be on the employee's file for VE5 creation.
Cash Advance Request Tip
Cash Advance Desk must contact Custodial Services Admin when check is ready.