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Qualtrics Survey Inventory

This article describes how to locate the names and Survey ID numbers of all surveys in your UT Austin Qualtrics account, and copy and paste this information into an Excel file.

1. Log into Qualtrics and navigate to the Account Settings page.

On the homepage of Qualtrics, click on the blue circle in the top right-hand corner and select “Account Settings” from the drop-down menu.


On the Account Settings page, you’ll see a prompt that you are viewing an updated version of Account Settings. Click the link to “Switch to older version.”


2. On the older version of the Account Settings page, navigate to the “Qualtrics IDs” tab.

The older version of the account settings page will look like the screenshot below. Click the “Qualtrics IDs” tab on the top toolbar.

3. In the left-hand table, click and drag to select all items on the list of Qualtrics IDs for Surveys.

You’ll see a table on the left-hand side under the Qualtrics IDs heading that includes two columns, one with each survey name and one with the unique ID number associated with each survey. Click and drag your mouse to select all items in the table. If you have many surveys in your account, you may have to scroll down quite a bit to select them all.

4. Copy the list of survey names and IDs and paste them into an Excel workbook.

Once you have all survey names and IDs highlighted and have reached the bottom of the list, right click your mouse inside the table. In the pop-up menu, left-click “Copy” to copy the list of survey names and IDs.

Open a new, blank workbook in Excel. Right click on the first cell in the workbook (A1). In the pop-up menu, left click the clipboard icon to paste the list into the Excel sheet.

Save the file and email the file to the Data Team.

Click the Save icon and rename the file to “Qualtrics survey inventory - LASTNAME,” replacing highlighted text with your last name. Email the file to healthyhorns_data_team@utlists.utexas.edu.