Outreach Expenditure Tracking
Description and Background
The tracking spreadsheet is located in UT Box, in HUB>Administrative Documents>Events and Training-Outreach>Outreach Tracking. The HUB Event Expenditure Master sheet is created each fiscal year and the older versions are archived for future reference. The spreadsheet lists the Event at the top of the page organized in columns. There are four succeeding sections containing information pertaining to expenses incurred or estimated to incur. The four section are 1) Fees (Registration/Space Fees, CVent, Ad Fees), 2) Travel (Mileage, Car Rental, Gas, Airfare, Lodging, Meal Expense, Miscellaneous), 3) Reimbursements and Deposits (Reimbursements, Shared Host Deposit), 4) Totals (Total Fees, Total Travel, Grand Total).
Processing and Recording
A note regarding CPC and PMCS
At this time, the PMCS and CPC departments are not using the HUB account for reimbursements, and only use occasionally for HUB sponsored events. For this reason the Master Sheet must contain all the events and expenses recording as a whole. Later, when expenses are given to the budget office (Jan or Feb of the new year), CPC and PMCS expenses can be separated into their own spreadsheet and reported to the HUB Director. Additionally, the administrative personnel must be mindful that anytime HUB covers expenses, they must be charged and paid by CPC or PMCS, depending on the situation and agreements between departments. An IDT can be initiated by contacting Business Financial Services. Send documentation via BFS Invoice Tracker (https://utdirect.utexas.edu/apps/campus/invoicetracker/) and add any details such as accounts to charge (CPC or PMCS Expense Accounts) and instruct BFS to deposit into the HUB Income Account (see director for this information).
Estimating and Event Additions
Each time an event is announced either by email (HUB-Admin) or through HUB Staff Meetings, an event column must be added to track expenses. Registrations typically are the first expense, followed by booking expenses, depending on the event. Booking includes, Conference Rooms, Rental Cars, Hotel, etc. When an event has been attended in the past, estimates may be added to give the administrative personnel a better idea of how much of the budget is needed, and considered to be acceptable to report to the HUB director.
Data Input
Once the event is complete, ensure that the event coordinator or traveler provides all receipts for charges incurred. This will help keep the tracker as accurate as possible. Input the data according to the specified row. See below for FY 19 expenditures. The yellow shading signifies estimates. The Reimbursement and Deposits section is not entirely complete, however, once the processes have been completed, they can be added as the final step in the tracking process.
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