BFS Invoicing Procedures
PO – Purchase Order
1. Click on “Create” on the Menu Bar on the top right side.
2. Select “New Invoice”.
3. Select the payment type from the drop down menu.
4. Department contact and Department is auto filled based on the login ID of the submitter.
5. Input the following items:
a. PO Number
b. Vendor Invoice Number
i. If multiple invoices, separate by a comma. For example, INV12345, INV678910.
c. Vendor Name
i. *If associated with a 36 account please include in Vendor Name. For example, P36-Ferguson.*
d. Amount
i. Total payment amount, if submitting multiple invoices at one time.
e. Priority - will default to “Normal”.
i. Priority – items needing processing and final approval within 7 business days.
ii. Rush – items needing processing and final approval same day. *Notes will be required.*
f. Notes – Any information that you would like to provide to BFS for processing. For example, departmental coding, DTN#, DEFINE codes field, etc.
g. Attachment – Click on the “Choose an Image or PDF”
i. Attach approved invoice along with any supporting documentation.
6. Verify information inputted correctly.
7. Click on “Submit Invoice”
Non-PO and Contract – The instructions are the same for these payment types.
1. Click on “Create” on the Menu Bar on the top right side.
2. Select “New Invoice”.
3. Select the payment type from the drop down menu.
4. Department contact and Department is auto filled based on the login ID of the submitter.
5. Input the following items:
a. Vendor Invoice Number
i. If multiple invoices, separate by a comma. For example, INV12345, INV678910.
ii. If reimbursement to an employee, name of vendor and date of charge. For example, TXDL_110117.
b. Vendor Name
i. *If associated with a 36 account please include in Vendor Name. For example, P36-Ferguson.*
c. Amount
i. Total payment amount, if submitting multiple invoices at one time.
d. Account
i. If multiple accounts to be used, indicate 1 account in field and other accounts in the Notes section.
e. Contract – not required for Non-PO
f. Priority - will default to “Normal”.
i. Priority – items needing processing and final approval within 7 business days.
ii. Rush – items needing processing and final approval same day. *Notes will be required.*
g. Notes – Any information that you would like to provide to BFS for processing. For example, departmental coding, DTN#, DEFINE codes field, amounts split between multiple accounts, etc.
h. Attachment – Click on the “Choose an Image or PDF”
i. Attach approved invoice along with any supporting documentation.
6. Verify information inputted correctly.
7. Click on “Submit Invoice”
1. Click on “Create” on the Menu Bar on the top right side.
2. Select “New Invoice”.
3. Select the payment type from the drop down menu.
4. Department contact and Department is auto filled based on the login ID of the submitter.
5. Input the following items:
a. Vendor Invoice Number
i. If multiple invoices, separate by a comma. For example, INV12345, INV678910.
ii. If for employee reimbursement, name of store and date of charge. For example, HEB_111017.
b. Vendor Name
c. Amount
iii. Total payment amount, if submitting multiple invoices at one time.
d. Priority - will default to “Normal”.
i. Priority – items needing processing and final approval within 7 business days.
ii. Rush – items needing processing and final approval same day. *Notes will be required.*
e. Notes – Any information that you would like to provide to BFS for processing. For example, departmental coding, DTN#, DEFINE codes field.
f. Attachment – Click on the “Choose an Image or PDF”
iv. Attach approved invoice along with any supporting documentation.
6. Verify information inputted correctly.
7. Click on “Submit Invoice”
ProCard (Purchasing Card)
1. Click on “Create” on the Menu Bar on the top right side.
2. Select “New Invoice”.
3. Select the payment type from the drop down menu.
4. Department contact and Department is auto filled based on the login ID of the submitter.
5. Input the following items:
a. Vendor Invoice Number
i. Naming convention: First Initial/Last Name_MON (example: MTanksley_SEP)
b. Amount
c. Priority - will default to Normal. *Please select Priority.*
d. Notes – Any information that you would like to provide to BFS for processing. For example, departmental coding, DTN#, DEFINE codes field.
e. Attachment – Click on the “Choose an Image or PDF”
i. Attach signed ProCard transaction log and all supporting documentation.
6. Verify information inputted correctly.
7. Click on “Submit Invoice”