Emails, Newsletters, & Listservs

Emails, Newsletters, & Listservs

Departmental Emails

Several iSchool departments maintain shared email inboxes to address community needs.







General Information


Contact for general information or questions. This inbox is managed by the reception desk.

IT Support


Contact to submit a helpdesk ticket.



Contact the web-comms team about newsletters, the website, and social media promotions.

Career Development


Contact the careers team for support and information about getting involved with careers events.

Undergraduate Student Services


Contact the undergraduate team for questions about academics, advising, and undergraduate student requirements.

Graduate Student Services


Contact the graduate team for questions about academics, advising, and graduate student requirements.

Human Resources


Contact for questions and information about employment.

Weekly Newsletter

The iSchool web-comms publishes a weekly newsletter called "This Week at the iSchool".

  • The newsletter is published every Thursday morning at 11:00 am during the Fall and Spring semesters.

  • All current iSchool students, faculty, and staff are automatically added to the email distribution list, but you can opt-out of the receiving the newsletter if you prefer. 

  • If you would like to request info be included in the weekly newsletter, please email communications@ischool.utexas.edu.

Official University Email

Our email newsletters (and other official university communications) are sent to your official university email address. If you do not receive a newsletter, please check your spam folder or update your official university email address.

Undergraduate Newsletter - The Loop

Undergraduate Student Services publishes a weekly newsletter called "The Loop"

  • The newsletter is published during the Fall and Spring semesters.

  • Current undergraduate students and faculty automatically receive the newsletter and select staff are added to the email distribution list upon request.

  • If you would like to request info be included in the Loop newsletter, please email undergradoffice@ischool.utexas.edu.

Graduate Newsletter - The iScoop

Graduate Student Services publishes a biweekly newsletter called "The iScoop"

  • The newsletter is published every other week during the Fall and Spring semesters. It was formerly called "The Weekly Roundup".

  • Current graduate students automatically receive the newsletter and select faculty/staff are added to the email distribution list upon request.

  • If you would like to request info be included in the Loop newsletter, please email gradoffice@ischool.utexas.edu.


Several iSchool mailing lists are available to share news and announcements or discuss various topics. 

UT Lists Subscription Management

Faculty, staff, and students can subscribe/unsubscribe from lists at https://utlists.utexas.edu




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