DEFINE – Commands

AL1 – Use EID to find Employment Status [such as: TA (Teaching Assistant), AI (Assistant Instructor), GRA (Graduate Research Assistant)]

FYA – For Your Approval – send to GLKNB (Kamar)

NOT – Write notes within Document. Once you hit “Return”, typing is saved and cannot be undone

PRT – Print (send to TID Printer 3760)

ROU Shows where document has been routed

SEA – Search/retrieve

VER – Verify (Check to see if anything is missing/needs to be changed)

VE5 – Travel authorization/setup – need RTA (Request for Travel Authorization)

VE6 – To make travel changes (change in destination and/or dates)

VPM – Voucher Payment Menu (11 commands in DEFINE)

VP1 – Purchase Order Voucher Payment - Include PO #; use “Goods Received” stamp, then sign

VP2 – Service Voucher Payment – use “Goods Received” stamp; sign

VP5 – Travel Voucher Payment

VP6 – Centrally Billed Travel Voucher Payment

VP7 – Pro Card Voucher Payment

VPE – Entertainment Voucher Payment (meals, receptions, flowers, invitations, etc.) Official Occasion Expense Form (OOEF) required – Need a signature on receipt; then, use “Invoice Received” stamp, sign, & date.

GB1 – General Budget/Account information – to whom account belongs; Free & Pool Balances

GB2 – Account Information – Expend, Income, Total

GGM – Menu, Functions (6) - GG1, GG3, GG4, GG8, GG9, GGV

GG1 – Travel – Maximum State Allowances       ---        State

GG3 – Vendor Addresses – Name Order            ---        Vendor Name (to obtain EID)

GG4 – Vendor Addresses – by UT EID               ---        VID or UT EID         

GG5 – Unit Codes – Unit Code Order                  ---        Unit Code

GG6 – Unit Codes – “Reports To” Listing             ---        Unit Code

GG7 – Unit Heads – List of Unit Codes

GG8 – Object Codes – Code Order                       ---        Object Code

GG9 – Object Codes – Keyword Order                  ---        Keyword

GGV – Vendor ID Request Document – Create Vendor ID (EID)

            APP – After create/edit vendor in DEFINE, type “APP” into the Action blank; document goes to Ramona Williams (Accounting VID) for approval

GGA – ACH Dept Entry Screen                             ---        ACH Number

GGB – ACH Deposits by Dept Prefix                     ---        ACH Number

GTM – Menu, Transaction Types (12 commands in DEFINE) - by Acct/Date, Voucher, Encumbrance #, DTN, Document ID, Invoice #, Acct/Object Code, Vender ID, Acct/Process Date, Check # or Warrant, Client Key, Acct/Date–all entries

GT1 – Type account number into “miscellaneous” section; click “enter” [shows current month; change month (at top right) to research further back]

GT9 – Type in vendor EID. Check Doc/RTA numbers to search whether it’s been paid

MMM – Menu, Module/Other Terms (13 commands in DEFINE)

  • EMM: Employee Information Menu
  • GMM: General Accounting Information
  • HMM: On-line Help Module
  • PMM: Purchasing Module
  • UMM: Office Management & Document Routing
  • VMM: Voucher Processing Module

P1 – Pool (or linked)

SS1 – Travel Awards

SS2 – Scholarships (taxable income)

SS3 – Apply Tuition Reduction Benefit (FRMS link in UT Direct)

TRBTA (Teaching Assistant), AI (Assistant Instructor), GRA (Graduate Research Assistant)

  • Create in FRMS