Faculty Travel Support Policy
The University provides limited travel support funds to help our faculty promote and share their research/knowledge at conferences and professional meetings. Eligibility is limited to tenured/tenure-track faculty and professional-track faculty with more than 5 years of benefits-eligible service. The School of Information supplements this program with internal funding and all full time faculty tracks are eligible.
1. Funding Mechanisms
- UT-Austin centrally funded Faculty Travel Grant Program.
- Eligibility: Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty & Professional Faculty with more than 5 years of benefits-eligible service.
- iSchool supplemental funding for Faculty Travel
- Eligibility: all full time iSchool faculty
- UT-Austin centrally funded Faculty Travel Grant Program.
2. Purpose
Available funds are intended to support presentation of the applicant’s original research or creative effort. The research must be presented at a recognized/organized conference or professional meeting. Centrally-funded travel funds must be used first if applicable.
3. Process
Tenured/Tenure track and Professional faculty with more than 5 service years:
Submit application for centrally funded Faculty Travel Grant, also allows for consideration of iSchool matching travel funds (T/TT faculty only).
All other full time Professional track faculty:
You are automatically eligible in your first 5 years of service for iSchool travel support.
4. Review
Approval is contingent upon available funding. Applications for centrally funded FTG provide automatic access to iSchool supplemental funds.
5. Awards
- Tenured/Tenure Track
Centrally funded FTG up to $1,400 per year (depending on available awards). Local (in Austin) and virtual conference limit is cost of conference registration. Faculty may use iSchool matching program for remaining costs up to annual limits.
iSchool supplement for FTG up to $2,400 for conference travel support. Additional $600 for other expenses including professional organization membership fees, books, and reference materials.
Total combined support = up to $3,800 for travel, $600 for additional costs mentioned above.
- Professional Faculty with more than 5 service years:
Centrally funded FTG up to $1,400 per year (depending on available awards). Local (in Austin) and virtual conference limit is cost of conference registration. Faculty may use iSchool matching program for remaining costs up to annual limits.
- All other full time Professional Faculty:
iSchool funds up to $1,400 per year
*Award period: September 1 – August 31 each year.
*No entertainment costs allowed (business meeting meals, etc.)
*Funds cannot be backdated or reserved/banked for future years. It is an annual allocation. Faculty must apply each year.
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