Printing exams/quizzes

Printing exams/quizzes

When using bubble sheets for an exam or quiz, you will likely want to print the assignment to pass out to students in class.  Steps to do so are as follows:

1) Publish the Assignment.  The assessment will not be visible to students outside of the date range you have in your settings. If you're concerned about this, put a date after your exam/quiz is fully done being administered.

2) Print (on the left side bar; the bubble sheet assignment must be pulled up for this to appear)

3) This will take you to a page to print the assignment versions via UT copy on the lower part (boxed in blue below); if you'd like to view or print the exams yourself you can do so in the upper part (highlighted in orange, click 'All' to get all exam files in one pdf). Using the middle 'print bubble sheets' you can print pre-bind bubblesheets* (optional! this ties a specific exam version to a particular student.  Alternatively, you can ask students to bubble in their eid and version they get on the bubblesheet).

4) On the lower portion, enter in relevant information. UT copy requests 48 hours for printing, and delivers to your general departmental (M, PHY, etc) office. Click Send.

5) (optional)* printing pre-bind bubble sheets, click on the 'print bubble sheets' link in the top section. Select the sheets you are using.  Look around the office for designations of x and y offsets, and align bubblesheet in printer tray very well. 

Bubblesheets can be retrieved (for free) at the 'magic window,' PMA (RLM) 8.306.  Please ensure that the bubblesheets have 10 answer choice options (most commonly: green or Quest orange, pictured below). Any bubblesheet with slots for only 5 answer choices will NOT be able to be read when scanned and absolutely should not be used.

Preprinted bubble sheets that bleed into other cells in the same column will throw errors when scanning for grading. Please take precautions to prevent this headache by test printing a few to ensure they are being printed correctly. 

Print in batches of 30-100 scantrons or less at any given time.  Proof the printed bubble sheets to see if disruptive drift will kick errors down the line (below). If there are some, please reprint those.

Please adjust parameters of any sheets that print like the example left. Reprint these so only one cell per column is marked. Otherwise errors will be thrown when scanning for a grade

The goal is for preprinted bubble sheets to be clean, like the image below:

This is a good example! Some slight drift may occur, but there’s no possibility of there being two bubbles filled in a single column

If you need any help with any of this, please reach out to us--we’re in PMA (RLM) 15.320, or send a request to questhelp@austin.utexas.edu. We have a bubble sheet scanner you can use to grade these assessments as well!

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