Grades visible/Solutions out
You put in a lot of hard work crafting an assessment, and students put in a lot of effort to demonstrate their understanding. So it's understandable everyone will want to know the outcome of this!
- How can my students see their exam score?
In order to make the grades (ie percentage scored on the exam) visible to students, please put in a date in the 'show grades' field in the assignment settings. Then students will be able to see the percentage they earned on their assignments home page and on the grades tab.
Instructor settings tab:
Yields the following for students:
- What about solutions? Are they posted? Not?
The default behavior for test mode is to not release solutions. When you take an assignment out of test mode, you will be provided a field to offer solutions to your students (ie the 'grades viewable' field becomes 'solutions available'). If you choose to enter a date in here, students will be able to see what they answered and the correct answer on the slides of the learning module. (In the example above of what students see, Exam #2 and #3 part 1 are each in test mode, while the part twos are out of test mode, thereby making the hyperlinks available for solutions.) There was a bug preventing the solution pdfs from being generated that is being resolved–if your students do not see solutions from a test that has occurred since Mid March, please drop us a line ( with the assignment name and URL from your view, and we will get those solution pdfs generated.
Thank you for your patience!