Make up exams (online/remote)

It's going to happen; one or a few students will need to make up their exam.  Good news–you have options!

1) Activate groups to support staggered start times in your class. This allows you to put the one (or few) students needing to take the exam at another time(s) in different groups that then you set the start time(s) for on the assignment (edit settings) page. More information on this option here.

2) Make another class and contact us ( to drop the student(s) in (we'll need your course unique and UT eids of students to be added); in this case you can release solutions as you wish, set optional timer, etc. The student would have to navigate to this other class (usually labeled make up exams or something of the ilk) and their grade would have to be transferred over (although this would also be needed for option 2), but only that one student would ever see it. Pros include students can be swapped out as needed for other make up exams (if applicable), all functionality begin retained. Cons include the student needing to navigate to this one other class. I haven't seen this be a problem in the past, but do think it worth mentioning. Please let us know if you use this option so we don't accidentally double charge students in this test make up course.

If we can help in any way, please don't hesitate to reach out at