Quest - Pre Generate an Exam

Pre generating an exam enables the exam process to run much faster on Quest hardware. It is a necessary prep step for:

  • exams with a large class size OR
  • when multiple exams are running at the same time.

The process is as follows:

  • Find out instructor UT EID
  • Go to Quest System Admin (
    • Click on Masquerade, enter EID, click on Change
    • Go to Instructor, click on course, click on exam, look at the URL at the top of the screen and write down the Learning Module #
  • Go to lbtest System Admin (
    • Go to the Shortcuts tab and click on Instadmin
    • Click on the school category the instructor's course falls under
    • Go to, enter number, click View
    • Click the Instances tab
    • Click the Pre generate PNG & Text button
  • When the screen returns, all active students should have "generation completed" in the table displayed.