Slot Assignment Conventions and Business Rules

Business Rules / Processes

  1. The lower of two slots is considered the better slot. This is important when a students status changes, for example from progress to degree slot (006-069) to a disabled student slot (004).
  2. We do not reassign slots unless there is an emergency. A big emergency.
  3. We do not create Registration Records until student progress to degree slotting audits have been run and the course schedule is published.
  4. We check if a students record has been changed every night, and slot them accordingly
  5. If a students slot is changed manually (by the RN screen for example) it will no longer be updated via the overnight process
  6. We slot all Continuing and Readmitted students together through registration, allowing Readmitted students to be in the same slots as Continuing students

Current Conventions

  1. Slot Numbers
    1. Student GroupSlot


      Disabled (SSD, Debate, ROTC cadre)004
      MBA (Currently Enrolled at UT)005
      Progress to Degree (PTD) Sorted over 64 slots, 100% to 0%006 - 0069
      Non Degree Seekers070
      Spring, Summer, New and Readmitted Students (readmitted late in the process)071
      Orientation Students, slot per session072 - 086
      MBA 1st year, 1st time at UT090
      Fall New and Readmitted Students091