Overview of Planning Process

CNS will continue to iterate and improve upon these resources and guidelines through early July.

Please provide feedback via this online form. 

May 1- June 14

Cross-campus leadership task force establishes campus-wide guidelines

President Hartzell provides a fall planning update with information about Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA)

Internal Communications provides a Fall 2021 Planning Update

June 14-July 2

The College of Natural Sciences shares this wiki and invites feedback
Based on Health and Wellness Committee Guidance, with supervisor approval, some remote employees can begin to return to campus; up to 50% of a unit's workforce can be on site through July 4.

  • Review new CNS Guidelines
  • Review the reflection questions, which will largely align with the CNS Flexible Work Arrangement (FWA) Request Proposal, to be available at the beginning of July
  • Review resources for supervisors and employees on this wiki as you plan for any returns to campus 

July 5-August 1

The College finalizes this resource and communicates and implements changes; the CNS Flexible Work Arrangement Request Proposal document becomes available.
Based on Health and Wellness Committee Guidance, with supervisor approval, some remote employees can begin to return to campus; up to 75% of a unit's workforce can be on site before August 15.

August 2 and Beyond

The Central University of Texas Human Resources will make available its official UT Flexible Work Arrangement Agreement. This form is not yet available.
Based on Health and Wellness Committee Guidance, 100% of a unit's workforce can be on site by August 16.