Travel & Professional Development Awards
Before TravelIn order to travel to a conference or meeting, you must complete a Travel Authorization Request (RTA). Prior to completing this request, discuss with your Advisor possible plans for funding or supplementing your travel costs. For more details about the Travel Award, see below. RTA Process Overview
For International Travel
2. Assign your request form to Erin Machell (eam6273) for review and processing. As you travel, collect and save your paid itemized travel receipts to sort and organize upon your return. |
After TravelReimbursements
Here is a step by step guide of How to Fill out a Travel Reimbursement Request Travel Reimbursement Instructions_11.25.24.pdf |
HDFS Graduate Student Travel AwardAfter you have been accepted to present at a conference or meeting and you have submitted a RTA...
Direct Bill AirfareIf you are receiving Advisor support, submit a a Travel Request form to Anthony Travel via Travel Management services. Include the following information: