Research on Campus Loan

Not all loans are shipped. Often enough, researchers come to visit the collections. While there is a benefit to having open access to the collections, whenever possible we try to have researchers isolate specimens they'd like to look at when they come visit. When this happens, the Collection Manager will present you with a spreadsheet of specimens that need to be pulled and set aside in a research drawer.

When you have a list of specimens, taxa, or other criteria

  • If you are not given a spreadsheet with the material needed, ask the Collection manager to supply you with one, or to give you the information you need to create your own.
  • Create a loan in Specify is just like creating any other loan, except 'purpose of loan' is set to Research on Campus.
  • Print out the labels and pull the specimens. Instead of packing them, place them in a drawer in the type room. Let the collection manager know where they are, just in case you are not in when the researchers arrive.
  • Once the researchers are finished, put the specimens back.

If there is no information about what a researcher wants:

  • it is paramount to drill visiting researchers about collections basics.
    • use of pink research on campus labels every time a specimen is moved
    • any specimens returned to the collections by the researcher MUST be put back in the proper drawer
  • Talk with the researcher to find out roughly what they want. If you need help constructing a query to find the appropriate data, ask the collection manager for help.
  • Provide the researcher with a map of the cages, the spreadsheet of specimens of interest, and a bunch of pink research on campus labels.

some additional points:

Visitors to the lab will need a quick tour so they know where to find the rest rooms, water fountain, coffee maker and refrigerator. It's good manners to invite them to lunch- if heading to The Commons Cafe, there is a thermos for free drinks we let visitors use. Otherwise, let them know local places to visit for lunch.

If they are working in the cages, be sure to show them where the restrooms and water fountain is, as well as provide them with a cell phone number of someone in the lab they can call in case of questions or emergencies. Periodically check on them, make sure they have everything they need, including a way to move any specimens back to the main lab if they are in the cages. Use these checks as impetus to verify they are following procedures.