How do I submit Accounting forms?

How do I submit Accounting forms?

Helpful information for submitting forms to your corresponding Accounting staff member

Submission guidelines for EXPENSES

 Instructor invoices and travel reimbursements
  1. E-mail subjects should follow the following format:

    1. Payment Request: Course Number - Instructor Last Name

    2. Examples: Payment Request: EN19011 - Kinnas OR Payment Request: PX19001 - McCue

  2. Documentation should first be submitted by the corresponding coordinator

  3. Each invoice and page of receipts should be stamped by the coordinator, and signed for "Goods and Services" received along with the corresponding course ID and account #

  4. For Austin-based staff: supporting documentation should be placed in Barbara, Sherry, or Tina's mailbox

  5. For Houston-based staff: supporting documentation can be attached to an e-mail as a high-resolution scan

    1. NOTE: Items that are not clearly legible in the scan may also need to be submitted via hard-copy

 Instructor invoices and travel reimbursements

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