FYE Events

-Signature Course Faculty Luncheons:

-We hold these lunches in the Fall and Spring (during the dead days before finals in May and December) as a chance to welcome the new SC faculty and give returning faculty members the chance to discuss various topics relating to their courses with other professors.

-It is the FYE Administrative Associate’s responsibility to make sure the Santa Rita Room in UNB is reserved for this event far in advance, the invitation email is sent out to all Signature Course faculty (that are currently teaching and will teach the following semester), and to create a spreadsheet to track who will be attending. Also, be sure to invite the SIG Support Team and SCAC/UGS Dean. The Admin must also order catering through TX Union catering in advance, and do the necessary paperwork for such an event (OOEF, processing form). Get the OOEF approved by the business office, then scan and email that to the Union catering department before the lunch.

-Take notes at the lunch, and follow up with any new faculty members that did not attend so they can attend a one-on-one SIG intro meeting with the FYE director.

-Signature Course Advisory Committee (SCAC) meetings:

-The FYE admin. Should contact the dean’s assistant at the beginning of each semester to find one two-hour slot each month that the SCAC meeting can be held (that will work with the Dean’s schedule). Once we have the Dean’s schedule, book these meetings on Outlook and invite all the SCAC members. Send the agenda out to all SCAC members a few days before the meeting. Do an OOEF and order food for these meetings in advance and take notes. Email the notes out to all SCAC members.

-ULS (University Lecture Series):

-The ULS is a mandatory component of all Signature Courses. It is a TED style lecture series that features our top UT faculty discussing matters relating to their research. Each lecture is video recorded and posted to our webpage within a week to allow students who are unable to attend to view it. We hold one large 2-night event in the fall (September in Bass Concert Hall), and multiple smaller events in the Spring (held in various locations around campus).

-The FYE Admin. Associate will work closely with the FYE director to plan all aspects of the event regarding booking the lecture locations/speakers, choosing topics, communication with speakers, and all logistics.