13 TeV tth Analysis with MultiLepAnalysisNtupler


New instructions (AnalysisTop-based release, for 23 Feb 2016 and later)

Checking out and installing rentupler code

  1. Make a work directory (e.g. 3l_analysis) and cd to it.
  2. Set up an AnalysisTop release (rcSetup Top,2.3.41)
  3. Get a Kerberos ticket (kinit username@CERN.CH) - this avoids having to keep typing in your password again and again
  4. Check out the main package:
    svn co svn+ssh://svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasinst/Institutes/UTAustin/MultiLepAnalysisNtupler/trunk MultiLepAnalysisNtupler
  5. Run the setup script MultiLepAnalysisNtupler/scripts/checkout.sh from the top level directory; this checks out and builds a few extra packages. In particular this will install a "virtualenv" to allow us to install local versions of relevant Python packages, including pyyaml.

Running the rentupler locally

  1. At the start of any session (including the first - ignore the warning you get), run source sourceenv
  2. Change directory to MultiLepAnalysisNtupler/scripts
  3. The rentupler is run from higgs_analysis.py.  A typical run (that should work on the tau* machines) would be:
    ./higgs_analysis.py --dtype=/data/harish/mc25nsv4/36142.root --files --output=output_361442.root --mc --dotaus=1 --minlep=2
    This reads the file /data/harish/mc25nsv4/361442.root and outputs the file output_361442.root.  There are other options to the rentupler, run it with the --help option to see them.  You're encouraged to add options as you add features.

Old instructions (Athena-based release, for before 23 Feb 2016)

Checking out and installing rentupler code

  1. Set up a version of Athena (lsetup "asetup 19.0.1,64,slc6")
  2. Make a work directory (e.g. 3l_analysis) and cd to it
  3. Get a Kerberos ticket (kinit username@CERN.CH) - this avoids having to keep typing in your password again and again
  4. Check out the main package:
    svn co svn+ssh://svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasinst/Institutes/UTAustin/MultiLepAnalysisNtupler/trunk MultiLepAnalysisNtupler
  5. Run the setup script MultiLepAnalysisNtupler/scripts/checkout.sh from the top level directory; this checks out and builds a few extra packages

Running the rentupler locally

  1. At the start of any session, run source RootCore/scripts/setup.sh
  2. Change directory to MultiLepAnalysisNtupler/scripts
  3. The rentupler is run from higgs_analysis.py.  A typical run (that should work on the tau* machines) would be:
    ./higgs_analysis.py --dtype=/data/harish/newmc/361078.root --files --output=output_361078.root --mc --dotaus --minlep=2
    This reads the file /data/harish/newmc/361078.root and outputs the file output_361078.root.  There are other options to the rentupler, run it with the --help option to see them.  You're encouraged to add options as you add features.

Running the rentupler over all data on the Cloud Tier-3

For any of this to work, you need an account on utatlas.its.utexas.edu; ask Peter about this.

Here we assume that you've installed and configured Bosco, as Crystal explains how to do here: Cloud Tier 3.

  1. The relevant script is MultiLepAnalysisNtupler/scripts/condor_submit.sh. Edit the OUTDIR= and INFILES= lines to make sure you're writing the output files to a unique area (not overwriting previous files, unless that's what you really want to do), and that you're picking up the input files you want.
  2. Run ./condor_submit.sh.  This will submit the jobs to Bosco and hence to the Cloud Tier-3.

Updating to the latest SVN version

First, make sure you have set up RootCore (source RootCore/scripts/setup.sh).  Change to the top level directory and run the following:

svn up MultiLepAnalysisNtupler 
rc update MultiLepAnalysisNtupler/data/packages.txt
rc build 

Committing changes back to SVN

Once you make changes to the MultiLepAnalysisNtupler package, you should share this code with others.  To do so, use the svn command: look here for more details on how to use this command.  In particular, to send changes back to the central server, first update with any changes that have been made by others:
svn up
Resolve any conflicts that arise, then upload your changes:
svn ci -m "Explanation of my change"