Working on Wrangler

  1. First, get a TACC account, then get Peter to add you to the ATLAS_simulations project.
  2. Login to wrangler (ssh
  3. Make a ~/bin directory.
  4. Copy the file ~ponyisi/cctools/cctools-5.3.2-x86_64-redhat6/bin/parrot_run to your ~/bin/ directory.
  5. Run the following to get a "Parrotized" shell with CVMFS:

    export HTTP_PROXY=";DIRECT"
    $HOME/bin/parrot_run --cvmfs-repo-switching bash

    (Note that you can replace "bash" with a script.) This will give you a new shell which has access to CVMFS.

  6. To run the ATLAS localSetup, copy the file ~ponyisi/cctools/atlasinit to your local area, and run

    source atlasinit

     From that point on it should look just like a regular Tier-3 or workstation environment.

  7. Data files can be found in /data/02130/ponyisi .