Epson 3880

Epson 3880

Printing Platemaker and Photo Intaglio Transparencies

  1. Open your image in Photoshop. Make sure you have prepared it for platemaker printing or for intaglio printing.  See Paper Store Prices for current price/size options.
  2. You have to make your image back to a Grayscale image. Go Image > Mode > Grayscale. In the box that pops up, keep the ratio at 1.
  3. Now go to File > Print
  4. On the shop tech computer, there should be a printer profile that is set for the platemaker transparency. If this does not happen for some reason, or you want to double check them, the settings are as below

    You can also learn How to make a Printer Profile

    1. Photoshop print settings:
      1. Printer: Epson 3880
      2. Color Handling: Printer Manages Colors
        1. Normal Printing
        2. Relative Colormetric
      3. Scale: 100%
  5. Then press "Print settings" next to the Copies field near the top

  6. This is where you would pick the Platemaker Preset from the "Presets" field.

Photo VS Matte Black Ink - Please Read

Changing between Matte and Photo Black takes a LOT of ink. Both will work. Please try to use what is already in use on the printer. It will say on the printer display.

Matte Black: Use the below settings

Photo Black: Use Photo Paper > Premium SemiGloss

  1. In the 5th drop down menu, navigate to the following settings:

    1. Color Matching: Epson Color Controls

    2. Printer Settings > Basic:
      1. Media Type: Enhanced Matte paper
      2. Print Mode: Advanced B&W photo
      3. Toning: Neutral
      4. Output: As high as possible, 2880 dpi
      5. High Speed and horizontal unchecked; Finest detail checked
    3. Advanced Media Control:
      1. Color density - as high as possible
  2. Load the Pictorico paper into the printer. The cut corner should be on the top right side.
  3. Press print!

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