If you don't already have the script set up in Adobe Bridge:
a. Obtain a copy of the script: fileNameToTitle.jsx - currently located here:
\\austin\disk\jsg-npl\DocLib\code_and_scripts\PhotoshopScripting\Specify Image Scripts
b. Install script:
Bridge does not have an application scripts folder, only a user scripts folder, Startup Scripts. The folder can be difficult to locate because it is under user preferences, which are typically hidden from view and require special steps to make visible. Fortunately, Bridge offers a convenient means to open the folder directly from the application. To access the Startup Scripts folder on any platform, open Preferences in Bridge and in the list on the left, select Startup Scripts. Click the button Reveal My Startup Scripts and the folder will open.
Once the Startup Scripts folder is open, copy script files to it, close the folder, and restart Bridge. An alert will appear on screen to indicate an extension has been added to Bridge and to ask whether it should be enabled. Respond Yes and the script will be activated.
For the sake of completeness, the details for locating the Startup Scripts folder follows.
Bridge Startup Scripts
Mac OS example
Macintosh HD:Users:UserName:Library:Application Support:Adobe:Bridge 2020:Startup Scripts
Windows example
C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Bridge 2020\Startup Scripts
Portions of the path may vary: UserName will be the user name of the account currently logged on. Bridge 2020 may vary depending on the particular version of Bridge installed.
To Use Script:
Open Adobe Bridge, find and open the image folder you are working in, and select all the images that you wish to update.
Go to Tools and click "Add FileName to Title" (the script will take longer to run if you are working over the network)