Exhibition Installation Photography

Exhibition Installation Photography

During the course of the show, the installation will be photographed by staff photographers. Once these photos are available, they should be uploaded and linked to TMS and made accessible to eMuseum. (there is currently no timeline policy for this step)

Once installation photography is linked to the record, select a new image as Primary Display and remove the placeholder cover image.

Exhibition photography should be prepared like object photography and resized and renamed for TMS.

Rename file standard format: EXH-YYYY-Abbreviated Title-### (EXH-2023-Forces of Nature-044), you may use Adobe Bridge to batch rename

File Size: use TMS standard resize to make copies under 2MB to upload to TMS, use Adobe Bridge for this process


Link files to the exhibition record as follows

Department: Exhibition Photography

File path: C:\Shared\Media\ART New\_Exhibitions\YYYY

Public Caption: Enter image caption for each file in the following format:

Installation view of "Title," Blanton Museum of Art, The University of Texas at Austin, Month dd, yyyy – Month dd, yyyy.

Installation view of "Forces of Nature: Ancient Maya Art from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art," Blanton Museum of Art, The University of Texas at Austin, August 27, 2023 – January 7, 2024.

Public Access: Yes

*Remember to link the staff photographer