note: sanchez (SZB) is lovely building but does NOT have computers in rooms. if ; some rooms have equipped technology and embedded computer (296, 278), but other rooms do still require you to bring your own computer/dongle. If adding sg there, make sure preceptors know to bring their own laptop to take attendance/collect on sheet of paper.
Dept > rm reservations
Jessica is the nice lady that fields emails to
For Welch Hall conference rooms please send an email to conferencerooms@cm.utexas.edu with your name, email address, event name, room number, date and time. You will receive a confirmation email once the reservation has been finalized.
note WEL will be closed for renovations for the fa17-sp18 academic year
WEL library: http://www.lib.utexas.edu/d7/chem/roombook
If you are looking for space on the 10th floor for undergraduate student study sessions you’ll have to talk to Daniella Kaufman, dkaufman@austin.utexas.edu
If this doesn’t work out, then you can contact Jenny Ann Eskew, jennyann@austin.utexas.edu, to see if there is classroom availability for your group.
key needs to be checked out immediately before/returned immediately after from staff