Responsibility and Respect


Welcome to Peer Led Undergraduate Studying (PLUS)! 

Fall 2016 Facilitator Application available here!  Due Thursday, 9/1, 9am (earlier for Dr. Grabner's class–Wednesday 8/31, 9am)

What's PLUS?

We want your input! Take this short survey for a chance to win a $30 gift certificate to UT coop or Amazon!

Looking for a study group?



 I am the PLUS program coordinator

I. Overview and Background

a. programmatic history

b. description of program with organizational chart

c. annual timeline

d. positions descriptions (qualifications, w appendix of docs used)

e. resources and contacts

f. Summary of Objectives

II. Administrative Tasks

a. Budgeting

b. Recruiting

 i. professors

ii. facilitators

iii. PCs

c. Hiring Selection (mechanics)

i. timeframe

ii. paperwork

iii. scheduling

d. Training

i. Logistics

a. Tools (U:, box, google drive, qualtrics, etc)

b. orders (food, supplies)

c. room reservations

d. delegation requests

i. initial

a. PCs

b. facilitators

ii. ongoing

e. Managing PCs

i. observations

ii. evaluation

iii. Accountability

f. Marketing

 i. materials for PCs

ii. materials for professors

iii. materials for academic advisors

iv. materials for facilitators

v. other constituents

g. Assessment and Reporting

i. attendance

ii. grade analysis

iii. qualitative comment collection

III. Strategic Planning and Sustainability

a. immediate sustainability

b. dream board ideas

c. long-term vision and goals

Check out our video for an overview of how the program works 

Please be patient. This video can take as long as a minute to load.

Questions? Contact Leta Moser, PLUS Program Coordinator, at