Responsibility and Respect


Contacting students below a certain grade

Dear Dr. XXX, 

 I just became aware of a function on Canvas that allows an individualized message to be sent to students scoring below a certain grade on either an assignment or cumulatively (found here, or a few screen shots attached) and wanted to pass on the how to should you wish to remind your students of additional resources available to them.  Please forgive me if you’re already familiar with this and I am the late learner on this front.




Potential sample message:


I just want to remind you know about the free resources available to you for my course—PLUS study groups, TA office hours, my office hours. In addition, the Sanger Learning Center offers 1on1 tutoring, drop-in tutoring, individualized study skills/note taking/time management improvement sessions, and much more. 

I hope you’ll consider taking advantage of some of these additional resources to help you learn this material. 


Questions? Contact Leta Moser, PLUS Program Coordinator, at