Responsibility and Respect

Preceptor missed wpm, Dismissal, and Resignation

Missed Facilitator Duties

If a facilitator has missed a weekly planning meeting, please send them a check in note to ensure that they know you noticed, and to let it be known that communication is expected.  Example below--

Subject: A quick check in


I just wanted to check in on how things are going since I didn't see you at the weekly planning meeting last week. I understand that things do come up, so it would be great if you could let me know in the future when you can no longer attend the meeting that week. Generally, attendance is expected because Dr. XXX has already dedicated that time to you guys and I'm sure other students in the class would love to have that extra hour with him every week. Also, please let me know if there's anything I could do to help, such as send out reminder emails sooner.



Preceptor Dismissal


As far as programmatic dismissal, if you're comfortable (or uncomfortable, but want to stretch) doing it, it's all you, but I'm happy to be there to do it as well.  There's no formalized process set (but thanks for bringing that up!--we'll make one)--I would send an email identifying that her absence at her own study group and wpm has been noted, and express concern for her well being.  With that, also identifying how her preceptor job duties have been neglected and because of this she's being dismissed from the program.  (optional, should you wish, but at this point maybe not—offer her a plan for redemption.  ex: we need to see you at the wpm for the next 3 weeks and in your own study group, working with your co preceptors, and then will touch base and reevaluate ) Offer a face to face to follow up with her—what is her side of the story, why the lack of communication, etc? (this may not be accepted), validating her reasons and triangulating back to the preceptor job description that she signed at the beginning (I have these) and highlight the points that she's neglected.  Invite her to attend study groups, ask for feedback on how PLUS could improve/better support her, and encourage her to attend the study groups, and wish her the best.  What do you think?



I want to thank you for applying and accepting to be a part of the PLUS program this semester. However, there have been multiple times that you have (describe infractions) failed to fulfill your duty as a facilitator. You have missed your own study sessions without communicating with your co-facilitators and have failed to meet with me to review your duties. (describe negative business/PLUS effect this has) This type of behavior negatively impacts your facilitator team and study group attendees in like, because we are all relying on your being fully present (mentally and physically) for the timeframe you pledged to be.  Because of this (specify grievances) unreliable and uncommunicative behavior you’ve demonstrated, you are being dismissed as a PLUS facilitator.  This means you should no longer attend the weekly planning meeting, and while you are always welcome to attend PLUS study groups as an active participant, you won’t be identified as a facilitator.

Should you have questions about what could have been done to prevent this outcome from being decided, feel free to contact (me-PC, or Leta, email embedded).


Again, thank you for the time and investment you have put into collaborative studying with PLUS this semester.


We wish you the best in your future pursuits.


another example:

Dear xxx,


Thank you for your participation as a PLUS preceptor this semester.  Your absence at weekly planning meetings and your own study groups, in addition to the lack of communication announcing these absences, has been noted and i'm concerned that this is a pattern of behavior that suggests you're overwhelmed.  While I invite the opportunity to discuss this situate with you in person, because of these actions I am sorry to say that you're being dismissed from the preceptor role this semester.  I encourage you to attend study groups regularly to benefit from the accountability, activities, and to support your classmates, and again am available XXX to discuss this in person with you.


Best wishes,



Preceptor Resignation


Sometimes the preceptors selected are unable to fulfill their duties as a study group facilitator, have over committed for the semester, has a scheduling conflict, or otherwise wants out.  If this happens, please know that this is a natural occurrence of the program, and reflects nothing about your leadership skills or qualities.  Follow the following steps if this happens:

1) talk with the preceptor, if there is a scheduling conflict and they want to stay in the program, see if other preceptors are flexible with study group times and work with them to stay involved.  If it is clear that they do not want to continue, please ask them to complete the preceptor exit survey at

If they mention they're leaving because of being over committed, please ask

     *What other commitments do you have this semester (if leaving because of over committed)?


2) email attendance permissions guru Alex Ryden ( and Leta, asking them to remove given preceptor from prof's attendance tab and update records.  If study groups need to be renegotiated/condensed/times moved, also include that information and copy attendance overlord Alex Ryden (

3) if needed, look at attendance rosters and select another student you'd like to offer preceptorship to; let Leta know.








Questions? Contact Leta Moser, PLUS Program Coordinator, at