Responsibility and Respect

Changing Study Group Times and Locations

It is entirely up to you and the preceptors to determine the times you'd like to hold study groups within PLUS offered times (4-9pm M-Thurs, 2-9pm Sunday).

If you want to change the times, please

1) confirm the room is available for the new designated time by consulting the room reservation google doc.

2) confirm with preceptors the new time would work for them

3) send an email to Leta and Laura Weingarten (, who keeps our website up-to-date with study groups, with the following information:

PLUS study group for Dr. Prof Name, BIO ###, original study group time/location is being moved to new time/location.  Please update the website and your records accordingly.  Thanks.

(ex: Dr. Finklea's BIO 325, original Tuesday night 7-9pm study group in SAC 0.118 is being moved to the new location of BIO 214 (time still 7-9pm))


You can request to change rooms anytime throughout the semester!  Just consult the google doc, making sure to identify if someone else has already booked if for that time; if a room is not available during the time you need, please email Leta.

You can also change study group times anytime, although we try to keep any changes confined to the first third of the semester so students know where and when to rely on study groups.


Questions? Contact Leta Moser, PLUS Program Coordinator, at