Responsibility and Respect

Attendance Protocol

How do I take attendance?

The PLUS program depends on its preceptors for accurate attendance data!  Record the date of each study group and then record the names and uteids of each student that attended, including preceptors!  You can either pass around a piece of paper or ask students to recite the information to you.  (The latter is helpful if poor handwriting is an issue or if you’re having trouble remembering students’ names.)


Piloted fall 2013!  use of google doc to take attendance.  follow the link, see what you think.

 This spreadsheet is formatted so that it is very easily imported into the database.  I have created example pages for students to use as a reference, and where some instructions are included.  If you would like, I can explain it to you sometimes this week before preceptor training (so that you can show the preceptors how to use it then), or I can show the preceptors how to use it at training on Thursday (I could also come for part of Friday to explain it if you want).  Briefly, each course has two pages in the spreadsheet one called "instructor name A" (Attendance) and the other called "instructor name SGDE" (Study Group Data Entry).  The A page is where student names and EIDs are recorded, and the SGDE page is where info pertaining to each particular study group is recorded. The A page is imported to populate the database with attendance, and then the SGDE page is imported in order to make attendance view-able as a record complete with the date, time, number of attendees, etc...   

******Oodles of thanks to Allison Cahanin for brainstorming and creating this!

Soon after your study group, you’ll need to officially record the attendance.  You will need to email this collected information (names and uteids) to

Your senior preceptor and PLUS staff will regularly monitor your emailed attendance.  If you fail to email us within a couple days, you will be emailed and harassed.  YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!  But please don’t hesitate to email Leta at with problems or questions. Lost attendance, a giant group where you just know some people didn't sign in, etc; the sooner you alert Leta, the easier it is to re-create the list or estimate numbers.

Questions? Contact Leta Moser, PLUS Program Coordinator, at