Responsibility and Respect

General Information

What it is

Peer-Led Undergraduate Studying (PLUS) aims to support student performance and motivation in historically difficult courses by offering class-specific, weekly study groups. Study group leaders, called facilitators, are currently enrolled in the class, so they offer a collaborative group study experience that that is tailored to the week-by-week needs of their classmates. Students can attend any study group at any point in the semester to review for an exam, discuss confusing concepts or practice key skills. Facilitators build their group facilitation skills by meeting weekly with the course instructor and an experienced student who has gone through the course (called peer coordinator, or PC) to plan study group activities and receive ongoing training.

Why it works

PLUS facilitators gain valuable teamwork skills, and all participants benefit from a regular, socially-supported study experience. Study group activities facilitate collaborative, active learning, with each student responsible for sharing and explaining knowledge with other members. Data from past semesters indicate that attending four or more study group sessions during the semester has a significant positive effect on final course grade, and those students who attend regularly tend to earn a half to a whole letter grade better in the course than than non-participants. Attendees also report increased motivation to study on their own.

How it works

PLUS supports upper-division courses in fall and spring semesters in both the sciences and the liberal arts. It is free, voluntary and open to all students enrolled in supported sections. Study group meeting times and locations are announced to students through Canvas and in class. Facilitators must apply within the first few days of the semester; listen for an announcement at the first lecture meeting. All students are eligible to apply, but the selection process is competitive. Study groups typically begin the third week of the semester.

Questions? Contact Leta Moser, PLUS Program Coordinator, at