Responsibility and Respect

Outreach Assistant

The Outreach Assistant (OA) position is a great extension of being a preceptor!  As an OA you present fun, interactive ways to work with underclassmen and help them learn strategies for managing their times, and studying smart. Outreach Assistants lead programs to FIGs, student organizations, and residence halls around campus. The presentations that we train you on are interactive and discussion based, rather than straight lecture.  The position is somewhat unusual in that we never really know when requests will come in, but the bulk of them come Monday-Thursday, 10-4 which are common FIG meeting times.

The program is flexible, and students work typically 3-6 hours per week. Outreach Assistants must attend all-day training sessions on the Monday and Tuesday before classes begin (August 25th and 26th).

Anyone who is interested should email Laura Weingarten ( by Friday, May 16th and be able to attend a short interview sometime during the summer.

Questions? Contact Leta Moser, PLUS Program Coordinator, at