Guiding Questions and Priorities

The Blanton’s digitization projects would be better served by a reevaluation of desired outcomes, establishment of project timelines, and the development of strategies for effectively navigating the digitization process and maintenance of the digital collection. Questions to consider moving forward include:


  • What are the benchmarks for progress, and how to we track progress in one central place?

  • Though digitization of object files can be tracked with the Digitization Status Flag on TMS, how do we track the digitization efforts of Constituent Files, Exhibition Files, and other types of records?

  • How do we determine what files are a priority for digitization?

  • How does this project fit into our collections care policy, specifically the digital image collection?

  • What staff resources to we have to dedicate to these efforts? Are there grants available to us that focus on digitization of institutional records that may allow for a records manager or archivist?

  • What new digitization equipment is needed?

  • What physical space is available to devote to this effort?