General Information - Shipping


Select either Exhibition or Collection

Shipment Type

Select appropriate shipping method

  • Air freight
  • BMA staff
  • Exclusive
  • Hand Carry
  • Ship Freight (including UPS, FedEx, etc.)
  • Shuttle

Shipment Purpose

Select from defined list

  • Acquisition consideration
  • Conservation
  • Exhibition loan
  • Exhibition loan return
  • Exhibition tour
  • Loan
  • Loan return
  • Return
  • Other (Enter information in Shipment Purpose if Other field to display on report)

Shipment Status

Used to denote the timeline flow of the shipment, to be updated as the shipment progresses. Select from defined list

  • Booked
  • Cancelled
  • Complete
  • In Transit
  • Pending

Shipping Dates

Expected dates: enter the earliest anticipated pickup and delivery dates

Actual dates: enter incoming and outgoing dates as occurred

Shipment Related Constituents

Enter Ship from Name and Address and Ship to Name and Address

Enter contacts for each below. Note BMA registrars must complete their contact info in the fields for the receipt footers.

Link constituent and select “Insured by” role for the party insuring the shipment.

Link Loan (and related exhibitions) to Shipment

In the left column select the action button next to Loans to search for and link the relevant loan record. Any exhibitions linked to that loan record will also be linked in the same step.