Linux Support Policies

Linux Support Policies

  1. LAITS primarily support RedHat OS. If approved by LAITS management, LAITS will support the Ubuntu Linux distribution in a limited capacity. LAITS will not support any other Linux distributions.
  2. All Linux servers supported by LAITS will be patched monthly or when required by the Information security office. Customer will be given at least seven days' notice prior to the patching window unless the Security Office deems a security patch must be applied immediately. Customers have the right to request system patching be delayed to a later date. If a system is deferred to a later date, the customer must provide a reasonable date and time to patch the system. LAITS will not accommodate patch request after 10pm or before 6am. LAITS staff will not provide system patching on weekends or holidays unless mandated by LAITS management or by UT's security office.
  3. Sudo access will be used for installing, configuring and maintaining of specialized software managed by the group. Customers who have Sudo access to their systems will not:
    1.  Modify system configuration files. If software requires modification of a system configuration file, the group will notify LAITS and request permission to modify the configuration file. Request to modify system configuration files will be sent to laits-server-help@utexas.edu ServiceNow intake email address. Failure to follow this policy will result in the removal of sudo access.
    2. Modify root, wheel or sudo accounts. These are restricted accounts. Modification of these accounts will result in an automatic suspension access to the system.
    3. Modify files in the /etc/security directory. This directory is restricted to LAITS access only.
    4. Modify the /etc/profile.d directory without requesting permission from LAITS. 
  4. Starting on September 1st, 2023, all new customer Linux systems will be managed through Active Directory. Systems will be setup to allow the customer to access the system using their common UT SSO account. Linux systems will be configured to limit access to specific AD Groups needed by the group to access the systems.
  5. All LAITS supported Linux systems will have a laitsadmin account with sudo access.
  6. All LAITS support Linux systems will have an SSH root key allowing LAITS baston host to access the system remotely.. 
  7. All LAITS supported RedHat systems will be bound to the University's Satellite Server.  

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